(Point and Click) Point and click game. The disfigured body of Dawn Evans is found on Streathan Common. She has been raped, tortuned and killed. It is belived that Evans was killed by a south London criminal organisation known as SLC Incorporated, for organising local prostitutes into a rival co-operative. There are several suspects but not enough evidence for an arrest. 23 years later Simon Richards, a "vice president" of SLC Inc., is also found dead on Streatham Common. He has been tortuned and killed, and the pattern of injuries match the Dawn Evans murder. Richards had been a suspect in the Evans case. Sources suggest he was killed by a rival gang in retaliation. Sixdays after Richards death the police raid SLC Inc., on evidence from another of its vice-presidents, Gordon Deal. The syndicate is shut down. No activity related to it has been recorded for twenty years.
Help to solve the murder.